Friday, August 5, 2011

Envibum Mama, Rachel!

When I was pregnant with my daughter and decided to look into cloth diapering I was completely overwhelmed by the sheer number of options and all the new terminology.  "What is the difference between a doubler and an insert... an AIO (all-in-one) and an AI2 (all-in-two)... a pocket and a fitted... and a pocket fitted!?"  In the midst of researching the answers to all these questions, I came across Envibum cloth diapers.  I was immediately attracted to the beautiful soft-looking minky outter and a one-size diaper without a snap-down rise (which sometimes causes bunching and bulkiness).

I decided to look into Envibum diapers a little more closely and I discovered that for every diaper they sell a $2 proceed goes to a charity!  Ok, so I liked this company even more for that.  Now they have many color options and each has a corresponding charity to which they give.  When I asked Rachel how they chose the charities they work with she said, "It's kind of funny because each one kind of picked itself in that at the same time that we were discussing a color a charity would pop up with the same color scheme!" I think it is so important to give not just out of our abundance but sacrificially as well and it makes me proud to see a small company prioritize in this way.

Envibums are made in the USA and they believe in using unbleached cotton which is the closest to being healthy and natural as possible while still being practical. It is important to them that they strive to make it easy and practical to cloth diaper your child.  I can appreciate that so much!  I eventually got my hands on one of these great diapers and I was immediately in love with the cuteness factor on my little daughter's bum!  I have never had a leak with it, never had the stinkies, love the custom fit I get and it leaves no red marks whatsoever on my baby girls skin!  This is a great diaper.  

So, who is this woman behind the adorable fluffy dipes?  Rachel's official title is Head Master Chief Executive Officer.  A little tongue-in-cheek, I was told, but also a very accurate description of the work and responsibility she takes on as she runs her company.  She works six days a week, some more than others but always more than a full day's work, however she adores that she gets to do it from home so that she can be with her kids.  I asked her about being a mom and she said, "I have 4 wonderful children; two girls and two boys.  My favorite thing about being a mom is the fact that I have an opportunity help 4 lives make their own story in life." Another thing I am always curious about (because it shows us a little glimpse of the things a parent values most in life) is what they would choose to be the ONE thing their kids learn from them and integrate into their lives.  Rachel told me, "I would hope that they would carry with them the love of learning and creating.  I just know that as long as they keep learning and keep creating they're going to be happy people."

Envibum says that it is A Christ Based Company... and that isn't just a matter of semantics.  Rachel will be the first to tell you if you ask her why she does what she does, "Well, God asked me to start Envibum and I've never got permission from God to stop!"  Something I like to ask fellow disciples of Christ is what He's been teaching them and this is where we get personal with Rachel.  Here's what she said (and I love it): 
   "To surrender expectations, surrender what I thought I had planned, and it feels in some ways like a bankruptness to have everything unbuild... to have the realization that everything you expect out of life-- none of it was necessarily from God... the incredible realization that He gets to change it at any time! 
   "I think that we're always thinking that you get a return from everything, as if we have this entitlement to a return on our relationships, time and energy and sometimes God decides to change the story, so you just surrender.  
   "This brings to mind my favorite quote, which is actually from the movie EverAfter.  Danielle in a beautiful gown of yards of fabric says 'I am just a servant in a nice dress' that is my favorite quote because it's so true."

When signing off, Rachel said, "We'd just like you all to rest assured that we are real live moms with piles of laundry and dishes to do so we've simplified cloth diapering and we really take simplicity and practical usage to heart.  I would also love to help encourage other moms to start businesses that are on their heart.   Envibum has never had investors or debt and we started envibum with $70 and a vision, which shows you that anybody can do what God has called them to do."

Thank you, Rachel, for chatting with us but I'm even more grateful for your work and dedication to what God has called you to do.  I think that you are making a difference with the work of your hands and the investment of your life... you are most definitely a mom who matters!