Friday, June 24, 2011

Rockin' Green Mama, Kim Webb!

Cloth diapers can be tricky.  I have come to love them and have found them to actually be way easier than I ever imagined.  Not to mention they are just about the cutest thing since puppies!  However, when I started to have stink issues they temporarily stopped being quite so cute and I decided it was time to do a little research.  That is when I found Rockin' Green.  I follow a number of mama blogs and almost all of them had reviewed and raved about Rockin' Green detergent so I decided to give it a try and tagged it onto an order we were making from Amazon... boy was that the right decision!  Since then I have come to love this deteregent and we use it on all our laundry wash now, not just cloth diapers.  In fact, it's most impressive performance in my household was given the night my son fell out of bed.  He split his lip badly and after our trip to the emergency room for a gluing of the wound I took his dried bloody jammies and stuck 'em in a wash tub with about 2 1/2 tablespoons of Rockin' Green for a few hours while we all got some sleep.  When I pulled them out, you would never have known they'd been covered in dried-on blood.  I have since used it on pen marks, grass stains, grease, even to clean my toilet once when it was really really bad!

This exemplary product was created by one mama who simply had a problem and was determined to solve it.  Her name is Kim Webb and she is the CEO of Rockin' Green, LLC.  She came across a problem when she began cloth diapering her sons... she says, "Everything broke them out in horrible rashes, and did a poor job of cleaning.  So I set out to create a laundry detergent that would be gentle on the skin, but tough on stains and funk."

So she set out on a mission and is still pursuing it today!  When asked about her job she says, "I spend my days doing product development and marketing.  I am usually the person chatting with customers on Facebook or planning our next big contest or promotion."  As a down to earth mama who invites kids and dogs into the company offices she has a great respect for all mothers and specifically those who do it alone or while a loved one is deployed calling that the "definition of strength!"  When asked where the name came from she laughed and said she wished there was a good story there but it just sort of came to them one night and was a really easy fit for the different formulas of Hard Rock and Soft Rock that they knew they wanted to make (and now Classic Rock... not to mention the new Funk Rock)!

I want you to know that this product is awesome but I want you also to know that the mama behind it is awesome, so I asked her a few personal questions.  Her greatest passion in life is her family (she has two boys a 5 yr. old and a 2 1/2 yr. old) and it sounds like they keep her laughing!  If there was one thing she could impress upon her sons that they would integrate completely into their lives she said it would be to follow their hearts.  "Weather that means doing a job that you love regardless of the pay or the status, or just treating and dealing with people in a way that you know in your heart is genuine."  And finally, I couldn't help myself, I had to ask...
"Which is your personal favorite scent?"
"Smashing Watermelons, Yum!"

Kim Webb is committing her life and work to making the world a greener place by providing us with a laundry detergent that is good for the earth, gentle on skin, smells suuuuper yummy but leaves no residue coating the fibers, and gets even the poopiest diapers clean!  She is a Mama Who Matters and I would like to encourage you to stand behind her and support this company!


  1. I wanted to read this, I really did..but the font style is too difficult for me to follow :-(

    Hope this doesn't offend!

  2. Changing it today! Thanks Zoe! The last thing I want is for it to be unreadable! Not offended at all, I appreciate the feedback. Hope you come back soon. :)

  3. Amazing story : ) I have a new baby and am new to cloth diapering and the best part to me is putting the poopy diapers in the wash with a tbsp of rockin green and seeing how perfectly clean they are when they are done washing. My older daughter has skin allergies and I have yet to find a soap that does not make her break out. I started using rockin green on all my laundry and wow no more skin breakouts. Love this product, hope its always around, I am a devoted rockin green user now.


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